My NFT's

22 October, 2011


This post is inspired from a great book "The Secret".. If u haven't read it yet,I suggest u must read it.. 
The secret of life is the law of attraction. It is the law of self belief. It just says "Like attracts like". It is impartial, like the law of gravity. If u are falling from the roof of a tall building, it doesn't matter whether u are a good or a bad person, but u r going to die. Similarly, it doesn't matter, whether ur thoughts are good or bad, but whatever u think, ur thoughts attract all the like thoughts from the universe, and depending on their nature, they will make u feel better, or worse. If u think u r a failure, this thought will attract every instance of when u'd failed in life, and it will make u feel even bad. Similarly, if u think good, this thought will attract more positive thoughts to u, and will make u feel better. So feel special, feel good and feel happy always.
          How to feel happy when u r feeling sad? Listen to ur favorite song, think of some pleasant memories, or think about ur beloved, while closing ur eyes.. Focus on it, feel it.. smile, for a minute.. U'll feel better. When u wake up in the morning, send a positive message to ur mind, over and over again, for a while, preferably while meditating, about the day that is going to happen, like "I'll be happy all this day" or "I'll have a wonderful journey this day". Feel like the day has ended, and u felt the same as u'd thought in ur msg. Feel the positiveness, and feel the power that's coming with this positiveness! What u've thought, will definitely happen! Have faith, don't hope, but believe, with confidence, that what u want in life, u'll get. Make a picture of u having the possession of that thing. Notice ur expression in that picture. Feel it. Believe it. Write it down somewhere, that u're feeling happy that u've finally got it. The universe will serve as a Genie to u, saying "Your wish is my command" and it will surely help u to achieve that goal!
                                                                                                    Stay happy always!
                                                                                                     Lots of love and happiness! 

10 October, 2011


             As u know, life is not a bed of roses. Everyone has to face some difficulties in life. If there is no difficulty, it is not life. How u take it, is important. Life seems tough at times, and makes u down, but the real winner then rises up,and makes his life worthwhile. I am still facing a lot of challenges in my life. Lots of people doubt my capabilities;many times I don't give a damn about it, but sometimes, it really feels bad, when close ones do that. When everything seems to be on the opposite side, it is tough to be normal and happy. This post may seem pessimistic to u, but it's the bitterness of life.
             People term one type of work as 'small' and other as 'big'. Some persons do not realize that the most successful persons on Earth were not always like that. They started earning from a small venture only, and their smart work and determination brought them to this level. I don't want to become the most successful person ever, I just want to earn a good enough income, to take care of my family, so that I can proudly say that I am fully independent. I'm in business, but it's a 'small' venture for me, may be coz of location. But I think that this location will matter in the long run, and this will see success, surely. Hope I am right this time..
             In personal front also, many things are happening, which I can't tell on a public blog. Sometimes I feel really low, and life seems tougher. My personal diary knows about it, and myself. Few can understand my heart, and I feel hopeless at times. The only thing left is hope. Want to be dominating and more strong. Life will not be always tough, everything will be fine some day, and I'm waiting for that golden day patiently, and trying to keep my cool....
                                            Thanks a lot for reading. Lots of love...

07 October, 2011

College Days & Friends

                  College is not only about placement, studies and making career. It gives the most important thing in life to us, friends. Friends are people who care, hug, fight, help u, in their own way, that is special. When no one is there to understand u, friend is the person, who understands u, and gives u selfless suggestion. A false friend can destroy u, but good friend wastes his time and energy on u, just to make u a better person. Had a lot of friends, of different nature, in college.. They used to hang out in FFC(fast food corner, as we called it) or on the steps near flag post, or on the grass near canteen, and did a lot of masti, giving birthday bumps to guys, and then hugging them with full affection, then pushing them for treat somewhere.. A lil pain, but a wonderful feeling at heart.. It felt like the most special person that day.. Placement time: Friends helping out each other with lots of tips and tricks.. All of those are great memories to cherish..
                    I remember I had an operation, which forced me on bed for around 3 months, after that when I went to college,lots of persons surrounded me,and asked about my health. Some great friends helped me out in some ways, which benefited me.Some shocks, a few months later,when a good friend parted from me, coz of my petty mistakes. It took long to overcome.
                     The students used to enjoy a full day before the semester exam, and study just at night,but it was enough to earn a percentage as good as 70%. My room mates were no exception. They enjoyed a lot, and lived for their friends.
                     It has been 4 years now,but the memories of those days are still in my mind and heart. Missing those days, and those friends, a few closed ones, who are far away now, busy in their world. I miss those birthday bumps, those hugs, those calls at exactly 12'o clock at night, just to wish a happy birthday, and those treats. Those days will never come back, but the memories sometimes come as dreams during sleep. Life is not always the same. I miss u, friends.. 

06 October, 2011

Lot more to go

                 So, have turned 28 today. Feeling special, as a birthday boy may feel, with a good no of wishes coming in, but life seems incomplete at times. As every other person, I've dreams and desire to fulfill them, but luck's not always on my side. Sometimes life seems beautiful, sometimes tough, and sometimes toughest. Hope I get what I want from life, a nice caring partner, a good earning business, and a nice life. 
                  2 of my friends care for me very much,and tell me to be tension free, but I've a lot more to do, and a lot more to happen in my life, with twists and turns, shocks and surprises, proposal and rejection, and lots more. God always tests people, and has been testing me from long, hope I pass the test some day. I've to stand on my own, proudly, and have to achieve what I want, may be the toughest thing possible. Everything is possible through a person's efforts I believe, and we should only leave something to God when we can't do anything about it. Efforts are in my hand, and giving result is in God's hand. If my efforts are true and in the right direction, and my heart is pure, God will surely help me out some day. A person doesn't always get what he wants in life, in personal and professional front. I can do only efforts, from heart, rest is on God. 
                   My life is full of many good and bad memories, and I'm learning from them. Have to give life a new dimension this year, lot more to do, and life has lot more to go.... Friends and family are a big support for me. I love and value them.
                      Best wishes, lots of love and regards.....

03 October, 2011

The Law of the garbage truck

Hi friends.. got this mail from one of my friends today, and thought I should share with the few people who read this blog, may be sometimes. So, here it goes:

One day, I hopped into a taxi and took off for the airport. 
We were driving in the right lane when suddenly, a black car, 
jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. 
My taxi driver slammed the brakes, skidded, and missed the other car by just inches! 
The driver of the other car whipped his head around and started yelling at us. 
My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. I mean, was really friendly.
So I asked, "Why did you just do that? 
This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!
"This is when my taxi driver taught me what I now call, 'The Law of the Garbage Truck'.
He explained, "Many people are like garbage trucks. 
They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. 
As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it and sometimes they'll dump it on you. 
NEVER take it personally. 
Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on with the routine life.
"Don't take their garbage and spread it to other people at work, at home or on the streets.
The bottom line is that successful people do not let garbage trucks take over their day. 
Life's too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so...... 
"Love the people who treat you right...Pray for the ones who don't". 
A very rightly said quote: Life is 10% what you make and 90% how you take it.

Hope you get the lesson.. So enjoy life.. Lots of love and regards.

04 August, 2011

Expectation in love

                         I have written a blog post long ago like this: Great Expectations but this time I am focusing my discussion around a beautiful but sensitive aspect in a person's life: love. I've faced a situation like that before. Life has taught me a lot, but it's a continuous learning process. I am yet to learn a lot;what I've learnt, is mentioned here.
                         Relationships are critical. Sometimes a small mistake can break them, or loosen their bond. One of such relationship is between a boy and a girl. It may be bro-sis relationship, friendship, husband and wife, or a committed relationship (bf-gf). The last one is most complicated one.
                         I am such an emotional person, that an emotional song or a touching scene easily brings tears to my eyes. I become emotionally attached to a person who's close to me and who shows immense care for me. I had 3 crushes in my life, in which one was near one sided love. This is my weakness that I become possessive about the person I like a lot or love.Due to this, I faced some problems. Sometimes I tend to become so impatient that I am unable to control myself. I desperately want to talk to the person. And when a good result is not available from other side, I may become sad, and feel lonely. With time, I am able to control myself better.
                         This situation may arise to you also, especially if you are an introvert, and emotional. Also, if you expect too much from a person, you are bound to be unhappy. The key in this case is patience. If you love someone, and he/she doesn't love you, you should just keep cool and have patience. Keep doing the best from your side, and give the person some time. First make sure that you actually love that person, and you are worthy of him/her. If you satisfy this criteria, simply go and tell, as this will clear the burden on your head, but don't expect that person to say yes. Give some time, and try to maintain friendship, coz it is for a lifetime. 
                          Many couples do have a breakup coz they expect a lot from their partner. The partner is unable to call you, may be because he/she is busy somewhere, so don't think that your partner is ignoring you. Some men have a girl friend despite their being married coz they are expecting more love from their wives, which may be they're not getting.
                           So why do people expect so much? Just have patience, and keep doing the best, you will get the best some time. Don't expect, accept!

29 July, 2011


Many people tend to become impatient many times. When a person is not able to get instant result, he becomes impatient, and thinks not to try for that thing rather than trying to do it better. You can't get true love, success or happiness instantly. You gotta try for it. Happiness doesn't come instantly, but is sometimes dependent on the first two factors, or some additional factors may be. It comes naturally. Salesmen are trained to smile in front of every customer, but if that smile is fake, everyone may sense it quite easily. I am a new businessman, and I know that I've a lot to learn to become a successful person, but I can't give a fake smile to a customer. If that comes from within my heart, I'll feel great, and also the customer, but fake one can't even give me satisfaction. I can fake a smile online, and offline too, but when a person is disturbed from within, that smile can make others somewhat happy, but not the person himself. If you try to get success by heart and succeed, the smile will come naturally, coz you know that you have worked hard for it. How can this success come? With only hard work? No. Smart work? No. It needs patience too.
              Whether a person is in a business or service, it requires not only hard/smart work and determination, but also patience to see a lot of money. Who doesn't want good money? Everyone does. And most of us work hard for it. Still less people become Ambanis, Tatas, Birlas. We know these people as successful businessmen, but were they made in one day? No. They worked hard for it, and in spite of getting obstacles, kept their cool, didn't lose patience. This is the key thing in their success. According to Warren Buffet, the key thing in share trading is patience. If you don't have it, you are bound to lose. Some homework is necessary, but a stock may not give 100 rupees profit in just one day. If you want to make profit, you gotta keep it in your portfolio for a substantial amount of time. Thousands of people fail in the stock market due to this simple aspect.In spite of their research, they become impatient, and sell their stocks at low profit or loss.
           To get true love, you should be calm and patient. If a gentleman loves a girl, and it's one sided love, sometimes he does a silly thing which gets him in a mental trauma of depression, which may lead to foolish steps like suicide, which may be termed as over-possessiveness. I know that I am no exception to it, and I've done foolish things in life because of my being possessive towards someone, and I've paid some price for it. Had I been mature, calm and patient, it might not have happened. It doesn't mean that you just keep quiet and don't do anything, and wait for that girl to become someone else's wife. If you like/love someone, please, please tell him/her, but don't expect that person to have exactly same feeling for you. If you both are made for each other, you Will be together one day, but for that, you will have to be patient.
           An honest, unbiased advice to all young entrepreneurs: Don't think that you will get success by only mere hard work. Hard work pays, but if you don't have patience, you may develop a negative attitude towards life. Just do your good work, be patient that it will pay definitely some day, and leave the rest to God.
                                                 Wishing best life to all ......

07 May, 2011

End Corruption

In the last few years, has the government done anything more than proposed talk to any threat to India? The lone survivor of the Attack on Bombay Taj Hotel, is still surviving, and the govt is keeping him alive. Why don't the govt apply attacking style on such terrorists, rather than defensive one? Why is the crime rate in whole India is increasing? Only coz all of us know the poor structure of Indian hybrid constitution. It always takes > 15 years to give justice to any victim of some crime, and such time is enough for the criminal to do more such crimes, and bribe the lawyers, and other authorities against him. This is really shocking but true. If u are filing some case on a person who betrayed you, say 10 lakh rupees, then firstly, it will take > 10 years for that case to be in court, and you will spend lakhs of rupees on lawyers, making papers, bribing etc.. and finally, even if u win, u'll in hand not get > 5 lakh rupees. Every one is there to loot you. The species in khaki vardi is also not an exception. Corruption is prevailing almost everywhere in India. In almost every 1 year, a corrupted bill is passed by the govt. Govt is justifying its deeds by the only thing that it is capable of: raw talking. Every 3 months, petrol and diesel prices are going up, the taxes are increasing, crime is increasing, reservation, one of biggest evil is increasing, and not a single person in the govt is understanding the harm that all of these evils are doing to the common person! They are talking in terms of the hi-fi financial terms, like GDP, Per-capita, Dollar rate etc, but has never thought to the level of a poor person! 'Ek garib aadmi, GDP, Per Capita, CRR, RRR, SLR etc kya jaane? wo to chahta hai ki use bhar pet roti hi mil jaaye, jisse uske parivaar ka palan-poshan ho jaaye'. whenever a poor person faces a higher authority person, the latter always treats him like an untouchable slave. The government is not understanding, and probably will never understand that the things they think are keeping the country up, are actually pushing the country even backwards.
               What will a general, deserving candidate do if he knows that 50% of the job seats he's trying are reserved for women, 25% for SC/ST/OBC etc? Just 25% for general candidates, and there will be tough fight for that, and that deserving candidate will not succeed coz he is failed coz of a poorly scoring candidate that belong to one of these groups. That may result in a mental trauma for that person, and due to social, parental, and several pressures, he may commit suicide. Officials will always answer to that case that " Jaanch chal rahi hai" aur chalti hi rahegi.. jab system hi doshi hai, to general public mein se koi doshi nikal ke kahan se aa jayega?
               I am not against these minority groups, but there are several more ways to promote them, than this stupid evil of reservation. High time for all of us to stand against the corruption, and some person should take the initiative to make the govt understand the weakness of its old system, and it should follow some strict extremist measures to decrease the crime, and all these evils, including corruption, rather then the quaint, traditional moderate, Gandhian method which it is using till now, which is making our poor country more poor and backward!