Many people tend to become impatient many times. When a person is not able to get instant result, he becomes impatient, and thinks not to try for that thing rather than trying to do it better. You can't get true love, success or happiness instantly. You gotta try for it. Happiness doesn't come instantly, but is sometimes dependent on the first two factors, or some additional factors may be. It comes naturally. Salesmen are trained to smile in front of every customer, but if that smile is fake, everyone may sense it quite easily. I am a new businessman, and I know that I've a lot to learn to become a successful person, but I can't give a fake smile to a customer. If that comes from within my heart, I'll feel great, and also the customer, but fake one can't even give me satisfaction. I can fake a smile online, and offline too, but when a person is disturbed from within, that smile can make others somewhat happy, but not the person himself. If you try to get success by heart and succeed, the smile will come naturally, coz you know that you have worked hard for it. How can this success come? With only hard work? No. Smart work? No. It needs patience too.
Whether a person is in a business or service, it requires not only hard/smart work and determination, but also patience to see a lot of money. Who doesn't want good money? Everyone does. And most of us work hard for it. Still less people become Ambanis, Tatas, Birlas. We know these people as successful businessmen, but were they made in one day? No. They worked hard for it, and in spite of getting obstacles, kept their cool, didn't lose patience. This is the key thing in their success. According to Warren Buffet, the key thing in share trading is patience. If you don't have it, you are bound to lose. Some homework is necessary, but a stock may not give 100 rupees profit in just one day. If you want to make profit, you gotta keep it in your portfolio for a substantial amount of time. Thousands of people fail in the stock market due to this simple aspect.In spite of their research, they become impatient, and sell their stocks at low profit or loss.
To get true love, you should be calm and patient. If a gentleman loves a girl, and it's one sided love, sometimes he does a silly thing which gets him in a mental trauma of depression, which may lead to foolish steps like suicide, which may be termed as over-possessiveness. I know that I am no exception to it, and I've done foolish things in life because of my being possessive towards someone, and I've paid some price for it. Had I been mature, calm and patient, it might not have happened. It doesn't mean that you just keep quiet and don't do anything, and wait for that girl to become someone else's wife. If you like/love someone, please, please tell him/her, but don't expect that person to have exactly same feeling for you. If you both are made for each other, you Will be together one day, but for that, you will have to be patient.
An honest, unbiased advice to all young entrepreneurs: Don't think that you will get success by only mere hard work. Hard work pays, but if you don't have patience, you may develop a negative attitude towards life. Just do your good work, be patient that it will pay definitely some day, and leave the rest to God.
Wishing best life to all ......
Whether a person is in a business or service, it requires not only hard/smart work and determination, but also patience to see a lot of money. Who doesn't want good money? Everyone does. And most of us work hard for it. Still less people become Ambanis, Tatas, Birlas. We know these people as successful businessmen, but were they made in one day? No. They worked hard for it, and in spite of getting obstacles, kept their cool, didn't lose patience. This is the key thing in their success. According to Warren Buffet, the key thing in share trading is patience. If you don't have it, you are bound to lose. Some homework is necessary, but a stock may not give 100 rupees profit in just one day. If you want to make profit, you gotta keep it in your portfolio for a substantial amount of time. Thousands of people fail in the stock market due to this simple aspect.In spite of their research, they become impatient, and sell their stocks at low profit or loss.
To get true love, you should be calm and patient. If a gentleman loves a girl, and it's one sided love, sometimes he does a silly thing which gets him in a mental trauma of depression, which may lead to foolish steps like suicide, which may be termed as over-possessiveness. I know that I am no exception to it, and I've done foolish things in life because of my being possessive towards someone, and I've paid some price for it. Had I been mature, calm and patient, it might not have happened. It doesn't mean that you just keep quiet and don't do anything, and wait for that girl to become someone else's wife. If you like/love someone, please, please tell him/her, but don't expect that person to have exactly same feeling for you. If you both are made for each other, you Will be together one day, but for that, you will have to be patient.
An honest, unbiased advice to all young entrepreneurs: Don't think that you will get success by only mere hard work. Hard work pays, but if you don't have patience, you may develop a negative attitude towards life. Just do your good work, be patient that it will pay definitely some day, and leave the rest to God.
Wishing best life to all ......