I have written a blog post long ago like this: Great Expectations but this time I am focusing my discussion around a beautiful but sensitive aspect in a person's life: love. I've faced a situation like that before. Life has taught me a lot, but it's a continuous learning process. I am yet to learn a lot;what I've learnt, is mentioned here.
Relationships are critical. Sometimes a small mistake can break them, or loosen their bond. One of such relationship is between a boy and a girl. It may be bro-sis relationship, friendship, husband and wife, or a committed relationship (bf-gf). The last one is most complicated one.
I am such an emotional person, that an emotional song or a touching scene easily brings tears to my eyes. I become emotionally attached to a person who's close to me and who shows immense care for me. I had 3 crushes in my life, in which one was near one sided love. This is my weakness that I become possessive about the person I like a lot or love.Due to this, I faced some problems. Sometimes I tend to become so impatient that I am unable to control myself. I desperately want to talk to the person. And when a good result is not available from other side, I may become sad, and feel lonely. With time, I am able to control myself better.
This situation may arise to you also, especially if you are an introvert, and emotional. Also, if you expect too much from a person, you are bound to be unhappy. The key in this case is patience. If you love someone, and he/she doesn't love you, you should just keep cool and have patience. Keep doing the best from your side, and give the person some time. First make sure that you actually love that person, and you are worthy of him/her. If you satisfy this criteria, simply go and tell, as this will clear the burden on your head, but don't expect that person to say yes. Give some time, and try to maintain friendship, coz it is for a lifetime.
Many couples do have a breakup coz they expect a lot from their partner. The partner is unable to call you, may be because he/she is busy somewhere, so don't think that your partner is ignoring you. Some men have a girl friend despite their being married coz they are expecting more love from their wives, which may be they're not getting.
So why do people expect so much? Just have patience, and keep doing the best, you will get the best some time. Don't expect, accept!